How To Create Your Glowing Exposed Aggregate Concrete Project

This project was completed in September 2020 and features an exposed aggregate concrete finish that was seeded with 1/2" ULTRA Grade glow stones.

How to do an Exposed Aggregate Concrete Finish with AGT™ Glow Stones.

  1. Pour the concrete and float the surface smooth.
  2. Seed AGT™ Ultra Grade Glow Stones or AGT™ Commercial Glow Stones onto the surface of the setting concrete.
  3. Next, trowel the glow stones into the concrete so they are just covered by a thin layer of fresh concrete. 
  4. Now, spray a concrete retarder on top of the concrete slab. The liquid retarder slows the concrete curing process on the surface of the concrete.
  5. After a period of time, pressure wash the concrete surface to reveal the glow stones and concrete aggregate beneath. *Always follow the retarder company's instructions regarding how long to keep the retarder on the concrete surface before washing.
  6. Finally, seal the concrete surface with your concrete sealer of choice.

The below images uses AGT™ ULTRA Grade Aqua Blue Glow Stones - 1/2"

Troweling AGT ULTRA Grade Glow Stones into concrete
AGT™ ULTRA Grade 1/2" Glow Stones being troweled into wet concrete

This is what the exposed aggregate concrete looks like with the AGT™ ULTRA Grade 1/2" Glow Stones after pressure washing and sealing.

Glowing concrete powered by AGT ULTRA Grade glow stones

Beautiful glowing exposed aggregate concrete surface - ready to be enjoyed for many years to come!

Glowing Art in the Gobi Desert
Camp Courageous Nature Glow Trail
Glowing Flame Fire Pit Entertainment Area