Practicing Environmentally Friendly Strategies
In addition to providing electricity-free, eco-friendly lighting, we at AGT™ strongly believe that all goods manufacturers should be conscious of the impact their production processes have on the environment. For the past 17 years, we have successfully decreased our overall energy and resource requirements by 37%.

We achieve this by implementing such innovative strategies and processes such as:
- A proprietary - catalytic cold-fusion production process which requires 40% less electrical energy.
- Decreasing water consumption in the production process by 35%.
- Utilizing a proprietary hybrid polyester resin binding system that reduces material off-gasing by 24%.
- Implementing Off-Peak Productions Cycles.
- Installing high efficiency LED lighting in the production and office areas.
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
LEED is the most widely used green building rating system in the world. Available for virtually all building types, LEED provides a framework for healthy, highly efficient, and cost-saving green buildings. The use of AGT™ glow aggregates in building projects may contribute to the accumulation of the following LEED points:
- Sustainable Sites - Credit 8: Light Pollution Reduction - 1 Pt.
- Energy & Atmosphere - Credit 2: On-Site Renewable Energy - 1–3 Pts.
- Indoor Environmental Quality - Credit 6.1: Controllability of Systems - Lighting – 1 Pt.
- Innovation in Design – Credit 1.1: Integrated renewable ambient light source – 1 Pt.

Embracing ESG Strategies in This Ever Changing World
Ambient Glow Technology (AGT™) uses a cutting-edge technology that has been designed with a focus on sustainability and environmental consciousness. As a result, AGT™ is ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) compliant, meaning that it meets the standards for responsible and sustainable business practices. AGT™ achieves this compliance through various means, including the use of its world leading UV powered glow aggregates. By adhering to ESG standards, AGT™ is not only contributing to a healthier planet, but it is also setting an example for other companies to follow, demonstrating that responsible business practices can coexist with innovation and profitability.
How to Reduce Light Pollution With Glow in the Dark Stones
The inappropriate or excessive use of artificial light – known as light pollution – can have serious environmental consequences for humans, wildlife, and our climate. Light pollution is a side effect of industrial civilization, which impacts us by overpowering the darkness and disrupting the natural day-night pattern affecting the environment and all that are around it.
It is our mission to help the world reduce light pollution with natural light alternatives. Our most well known product is our super-luminosity glow stones and glow sand aggregate which can be used in a variety of applications including:
- Concrete/Asphalt Nature Trails
- Concrete/Asphalt Bike Trails
- Pedestrian & Bike Paths
- Concrete/Asphalt Walkways and Driveways
- Concrete Sidewalks
- Concrete Curbs and Stairs
- Concrete Pool Decks and Coping
- Pool Plaster Interiors
- Concrete Patios
- Concrete/Epoxy Garage Floors
- Concrete Foyers & Halls
- Subway Platforms
- Outdoor Theatre Walkways & Seating
- Concrete Bar & Entertainment Areas
- Concrete Pathways
- Concrete Bridge Overpasses
- Hardscaping & Landscaping
- Concrete Walls

AGT™ Offers Only Carbon Neutral Shipping Options
AGT™ Practices Carbon Neutral Shipping by collaborating with our fulfillment partners at FedEx, UPS, and Canada Post to offset shipping emissions, investing in renewable energy projects and implementing sustainable practices throughout the supply chain.
Learn How Carbon Offsetting Helps the Environment

Emissions Calculated
We calculate every tonne of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2e) generated by our deliveries.

Offset The Emissions
We then remove an equivalent amount of CO2e from the atmosphere by purchasing high-quality, verified and accredited carbon offsets.

Emissions Neutralized
The projects supported by carbon offset purchases remove the same amount of carbon from the atmosphere generated from shipping.