Prepare & Pour
Prepare your site for the pour by clearing any debris, rocks or vegetation from the area. Install any formwork needed making sure it's level, straight and firmly secured to the ground. Next, pour the concrete into the formwork.

Screed The Concrete
Screed the concrete to make it as level and smooth as possible. You can use a simple wood 2x4 plank, purchase a hollow aluminum plank or use magnesium straightedges for this step.
Seed & Trowel
Once the concrete has been poured and smoothed out, seed your AGT™ Glow Stones onto the wet concrete surface and trowel them in so they are level with the rest of the concrete

Spray on Retarder
Follow the Retarder Manufacturer's instructions regarding how long to leave the retarder on before pressure washing the concrete.
Allow Concrete to Cure
Once the concrete has cured, pressure wash the surface to remove any concrete residue covering the glow stones. This will allow the glow stones to get fully exposed to the daylight. Next - Enjoy the glow!