Three Different Time of Day Shots
Arrive at site location in late afternoon for optimal daytime images. Return for the same shots during sunset, and again at night when the sky is pitch black and the stones are optimally glowing.

Day Time


Night Time
Types of Shots
Take the following 6 types of images as showcased below during each time of day. If available, use a tripod in the same location of each photo for optimal before and after shots.

Close Range
Close up shot from standing.

Medium Range
Take a few steps back to get more of the project in scope.

Long Range
If possible, get a full shot of the project in scope.

Get a close up, low angle photo of the project

Using a tripod, get a time lapse of the project from sunset to dark.

Use your creativity for an artistic shot of the project.
Glow Project Photo Contest
Submit photos of a project using AGT™ Glow Stones for a chance to win up to $1000! Contest runs every year.