Glowing Walkway Along the Manawatū River in New Zealand
Just east of the He Ara Kotahi bridge in Palmerston North runs a beautiful glow in the dark walkway along the southern bank of the Manawatū River. This 3 meter wide asphalt path, enjoyed by joggers and cyclists, showcases one of many endless possibilities of designs that you can achieve when using AGT™ Resin Glow Sand.

The Resin Glow Sand absorbs UV light during the day and releases it at night. The pattern displayed here was designed by local Māori iwi (tribe) Rangitāne, which includes a taniko pattern inspired by the border of a cloak. This glowing pattern symbolizes protection of the land much travelled in earlier times between Turitea and Te Motu o Poutoa alongside the river.

The glow in the dark path is very bright and long lasting. It is particularly powerful following sunset, when most of the patrons use the path.

"The secret to achieving great glow in the dark surfacing, is to ensure that there is no ambient light, and that you do not cheap out on the glow in the dark powder." Resin Surfaces (Contractor)